Monday, September 30, 2013

Walnut Halwa

Walnut, is an edible seed. It contains Omega-3, which plays a role in brain and cardio benefits. Samolina, from wheat, is a good and fast energetic source. The recipe here is a sweet, and can be prepared as a snack time food.


Walnut- 1/2 cup or 1 hand full.
Samolina - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Cardomom - 2 nos
Cashewnut - 5-6 nos
Raisins - 5-6 nos
Water - 3 cups
Food Color - a pinch (of your choice and optional)
Ghee - 2 tsp
Oil - 3 tsp

  • Grind walnuts in a mixer coarsely.
  • Heat ghee in a wide heavy bottom pan and roast cashew nuts, raisins. Keep them aside.

  • Put the ground walnut in the remaining ghee and let it cook for a min. Stir well.

  • Add water into the pan. Let it start to boil. Add food color you would like. I used green, just to feel earthen color.
  • Mix samolina and sugar. Pour little by little and mix while pouring into the pan.

  • Now our halva would be done in 3-5 minutes. Keep stirring. 
  • Once the samolina-walnut gets thicken, add some oil to it and continue stirring, to incorporate the oil into it.
  • Add roasted cashews, raisins and cardomom.

    • The halva is done when walnut and samolina, get mixed together and start to leave out the oil. Till then continue stirring. It will take another 2 min since incorporating the oil.

    • Now halva is ready to serve hot.  An inverted Tree.

    • Or transfer the halva in a baking pan or a glass container. Let it cool. Make Slices. It can be served as a sliced cubes or in any shape, our kids would like.

    I'm so happy, that my picky eating kids finished their serving and wanted some more..

    Vanilla-Walnut halwa

    Vanilla Walnut halwa is a variation of rava kesari and walnut halwa, which is shown in my recipe posting. To follow, click here for the walnut halwa recipe. 

    Just add an extra ingredient, a tsp of the vanilla extract while you add water to the walnut, as mentioned in the procedure.. This time I used a different food color.

    Wow, the final dessert is mouth melting vanilla flavored walnut halwa. Just a tsp of vanila extract transforms the nutty kesari sweet into a western touch dessert..

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