Friday, November 1, 2013

Mysore Pak

A Traditional Sweet , if you are good at making kesari, and you want to try a traditional sweet., this could be the one. Making mysore pak has few steps, which should be done at the correct timings. Its nothing big to worry about the timings. Here is how you can simply do mysore pak in half an hour.


Besan / Chick peas Flour - 1 cup
Oil & Ghee - 1 & 2 cup respectively  (Most of the times I use this ratio. If you want the mysore pak to be more rich, add ghee instead of oil. Or if you want to avoid ghee, use 3 cups of oil alone.)
Sugar - 3 cup
Water - to make sugar syrup

Get ready:

Since timing is very important., we prepare ourselves for making our good mysore pak.
You need a thick flat bottomed, medium height vessel for preparing mysrore pak. We need another vessel to heat 3 cups of oil/ghee and a tablespoon to scoop some oil from it. We need a good spatula, preferably a wooden kind to stir mysore pak.  Need both of your hands at the same time to work coordinately.
A tray, like a rectangular cake baking tray.


  • Heat  a tbsp of ghee/oil in medium heat first. To avoid lumps while preparing, add it to the besan and mix well and sieve. Pour the remaining oil/ghee altogether and start heating it on a medium heat.

  • Meanwhile prepare sugar syrup heating up the sugar with some water to cover it, in a heavy flat bottomed and a medium height vessel. Let it boil for some time (5-10 min) until it reaches string consistency. Also by the side heat oil/ghee in a vessel. It is recommended to use your left hand stove burner for oil and right hand burner for sugar syrup preparation, If you are right handed.

  • Then add the sieve flour little by little into the sugar syrup. Stir while adding flour to easily incorporate it into the syrup. Check for lumps. Since we did the first step, it will be easy to incorporate the flour.

  • Let it come to boil. Keep stirring. When it is forming bubbles, that's when you  pour hot oil/ghee one scoop at a time. Keep stirring. When the hot oil/ghee is poured, the besan flour cooks.

  • Empty oil/ghee into the flour-syrup. Keep stirring. Watch out for spurting hot flour/oil. I'm just asking you to be cautious rather get hurt. 

  • Mysore pak will be ready any time in less than 5 min once the oil is poured in. Keep stirring, until the flour particles stick each other making a cohesive bond and you can see a mild color change with a nice aroma. You can observe bubbles formed in the flour. Just lift the vessel and pour it into a tray.

  • Wait for a little while to cool down little bit and make cuts of our own way...

  • Just wait for some more time to completely cool down and try taking the mysore pak out. 
  • Hmmmm, yammm, it melts in your mouth.

Note: String Consistency-When pinched with your indexed finger and thumb finger, it should form a thin sticky string. Otherwise, when a drop of syrup poured in a bowl of water, it should not dissolve, rather when touched it could be easy to make a small ball kind of.
The Texture- The air bubbles are locked inside the mixture. Once it cools down, it makes small pores in mysore pak.
Since the heat at the top and bottom portion get cool down first, those parts look light yellow in color. And the middle part take some time to cool down and the heat inside the mixture makes that portion look light brown in color.

Remember, Practice results in good perfection. So start doing now..

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