Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Grow Mint at Home

When you get a chance to cook mint leaves, don't throw away the stems.

In a small pot filled with sand/dirt, place the stems and water daily. Soon you can see the fresh mint leaves growing. We can keep the pot in sunlight or inside home. It fills the air with good aroma, and a nice herbal feel.

Mint, over hundreds of varieties, all having medicinal cure mainly helps in digestion and cleaning of the palate.
When you have a mint herb plant at home, its a natural remedy for many stomach problems. It can be used in preparing mint tea for a quick relief . I started preparing mint rasam (soup) when my husband and kids eat non-veggie. It helps them feel good after a fatty meal.

Mint, its smell or aroma is refreshing quick relief for nausea and head ache. Strong mint aroma also helps in clearing congestion in throat, nose, bronchi and lungs.It is a natural stimulant for our brain and alleviate depression and fatigue. Mint oil can used as skin cleanser.
One peculiar property of mint that seems quite contrary to its traditional cooling and soothing effects is that it induces sweating if consumed during fever, thereby breaking the fever and speeding the rate of recovery. Mint juice can also be applied to heal and soothe burns. I use mint juice to heal my kids wounds. 

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