Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Facts about Tulsi / Holy Basil

Tulsi, Holy tulsi,Holy Basil and Ocimum Tenuiflorum are the same tulsi that we worship and use as a herb.
Anyhow Thai's Basil, which is used as garnishing and in spices, is different from this Holy basil. Its biological name is Ocimum Basilicum. Here in this blog piece, I'm talking about the holy Basil or simply Tulsi.  

It is responsible in killing the cells that help in producing excessive glucose inside our body. Tulsi is also considered as a stress reliever in Ayurveda. This is due to its strong aroma. Based on studies, it has been proven that its aroma property helps in lengthening the life of a person. When a person is stress free, his immune system becomes healthier, too, and there is a small possibility for free radicals to occur. As we all know, free radicals create toxins in our body, and this toxins might lead and become a major ailment in the future. This characteristic is the reason why they called Tulsi as the elixir of life. And that's why, the Hindu people go around Tulsi plant and worship as God both in the morning and in the evening.

The Tulsi extract is also good in curing common colds, headache, heart disease, inflammation, and stomache. It can also cure malaria and dengue. You can find this extract in Tulsi leaves. When time comes that you experience common colds or headache, you can boil its leaves and drink it every 2-3 hours. I give a cup of boiled water with tulsi and 2 teaspoon of honey for my kids to feel better in case of common cold and cough. Or if you can’t find tulsi’s fresh leaves, you can go to the nearest drugstore and ask them if they have a tulsi tea. Tulsi tea has the exact extract that Tulsi leaves produce. 

The magnesium present in Tulsi is good in preventing heart diseases. This is because it makes our blood vessel works properly. It keeps our veins free from clogs. It helps our red blood cells flow smoothly in our every vein. 

Another study shows that Tulsi has a nerve tonic property that enhances our memory.

Holy Basil can also help us in hydrating our skins. It will make our skin younger looking and glowing at the same time.

Although Holy Basil is very essential to everyone’s life, study still shows that inappropriate in-take of this plant might also lead to a bigger health problems. As its been said above, it cures diabetics by burning extra glucose, too much consumption of this plant may cause loss of necessary sugar in our body. Low sugar in our blood means, weaker body.

I heard, in olden days, to prevent being pregnant, women used to eat some Tulsi leaves daily. Though I'm not sure about the quantity.

If you think that herbal medicine is safer than those commercial medicines that you can buy over the counter, well you are wright, but do not forget to consult your physician if you are going to use any herbal alternatives. 

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