Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Diwali..... Its a special occasion.. what could be an easy and a traditional sweet, easy to make? Oh ya, Jangiri is a sweet prepared in few steps.. with little accuracy..
Many of us felt like a big task to prepare jangiri.. Knowing the wright way to do it makes it easy and quick..


Whole White Urad Dhal - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Lemon Juice - 1 tsp
Water - to make sugar syrup
Saffron food color - 2 pinch
Cardamom - 3 nos.
Oil - for deep frying


  • Soak Urad dhal for 3 hours. Grind it in a wet grinder or mixer grinder. Grind it fluffy and soft, adding little water when necessary. Take a little batter and put it in a bowl of water. When it floats that's the wright fluffy, airy ground dhal.. 

  • Mix a pinch of food color. Add a tbsp of rice flour if you feel you added extra amount of water while grinding. Presented here is only colored urad dhal.

  • Meanwhile prepare sugar syrup by adding sugar and some water to cover the sugar in a container. Add a pinch of food color. Let it boil. Wait for string consistency. When it starts to form string, that's when you add lemon juice to avoid forming sugar. Crush cardamom and add it in the syrup.

  • Heat oil in a wide heavy flat bottomed pan on a medium heat. Prepare a cone using thick zip lock cover and make a small cut at one  of its corner. I used a piece of thick cloth and made a small hole at its center by twice folding it and cutting a small bit at its corner.

  • Fill a scoop of dhal batter in the cone or cloth and get ready to directly squeeze jangiris into hot oil. You can make jangiris any way you could able to do. Note to squeeze each jangiri as soon as possible. While shaping them, make bonds by swirls so that the batter sticks to make a good shape jangiris.

  • Flip jangiris when one side is done. When jangiris are cooked in oil, transfer hot jangiris into sugar syrup one after the other. Make sure each of them get dipped in syrup completely.  Note : Hot jangiris straightly goes to the syrup. Don't keep them aside on a paper towel to drain oil.. When dipped hot, the jangiris absorbs sugar syrup and the sweetness gets into them. Otherwise, it is not possible to taste it sweet even when soaked in sugar syrup. I used a wooden spatula to slightly press it to submerge in the syrup for 3 sec. each.

  • Keep the sweetened jangiris aside for serving.

Note: Sugar syrup String consistency- When pinched with your indexed finger and thumb finger, it should form a thin sticky string. Otherwise, when a drop of syrup poured in a bowl of water, it should not dissolve, rather when touched it could be easy to make a small ball kind of.

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