Monday, October 21, 2013

Wheat Pakoda

Pakoda, we all know it can be made with besan flour. For a change, my mom used to make wheat pakoda, crunchy like besan kind. It gives a nice taste too.. These kind of fritters are nice snack for a pleasant evening, with a cup of tea. Wheat pakoda is quick and easy to make, even you can delight an unexpected guest.

Dry Wheat flour - 1 cup
Onion -  finely chopped 1 cup
Green chillies - chopped finely 2 tsp (to taste)
Ginger - finely chopped 2 tsp
Curry leaves - 1 stem
Cilantro (Coriander leaves) - chopped finely 1/2 cup
Salt -  to taste
Water - to mix
Oil -  to deep fry


  • Mix wheat flour, onion, green chillies, ginger, curry leaves, salt and cilantro.
  • Add water if required, since onion leaves out much water once we add salt to the mixture. Make it like a sticky pasty kind of mixture.

  • Heat oil on medium high heat. Pinch the wheat mixture into the hot oil and deep fry them.

  • Since its been done on medium high heat, the pakodas will be crunchy and nicely cooked inside..
  • Serve hot draining excess oil.

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