Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Cleaning Vegetables and Fruits

 Friends, here is the simple tip for cleaning vegetables and fruits, which keeps them fresh for long time.
Most of the vegetables and fruits we buy from store / even farm, may have pesticides on them.. Also the dirt and bacteria on them reduces the life of the vegetables and fruits.  If not properly washed, we may be taking in some bacteria and germs along with them and remember the pesticides too. Washing vegetables and fruits in running water will help? Ofcourse, it is always good to wash fresh produce under running water rubbing briskly with hands.

    Some fruits like strawberries, and vegetables like ladies finger wont stay for long, say up to a week time though they are kept in the fridge. Pour 1/2 cup of white vinegar to 3 cups of water and mix them. Put vegetables or fruits you want to clean. Let it be in there for 15 minutes. Vinegar will do the magic of taking the pesticides, most of the bacteria and germs from them. Drain the dirt water. Rinse the fresh produce under running water and store them dry in the fridge.. I'm sure it will stay  fresh for atleast a week time..

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