Monday, July 28, 2014

Rituals and Reasons

Hi friends,

I'm back after my long vacation and getting busy in finding reasons for many rituals followed by Hindus, as we are gonna have a pooja at our home. I found some interesting information on Hindu rituals and the way it connects to the Universe and science.

Starting with the matram OM.... OM is considered as the sound of Cosmic Energy and contains all the sounds in itself. Uttering of Om is identifying oneself with the cosmic resonance the efficacy of the mantric power of Om emanates not only from its sound vibrations, but also from the inner attitude of the speaker.

Sanskrit mantras vibrate the DNA and pineal gland and raises human consciousness. Mantras must begin and end with OM or AUM . This is the reason the priest asks us to repeat the mantras when necessary. Now you will be deciding on how correctly to pronounce them.


Do you remember quantum mechanics, quantum physics or quantum theory. I hope your are sure to relate this below picture with a simple kolam...

A Kolam is a visible sound mantra--outside the human audio range. A mantra is a carrier wave with potent information within it. There is a direct phonetic link between longitudinal sound wave and visual signs. Before I come to know about this visual link, whenever I make kolam, I generally think that I'm drawing a geometrical design in-front of my house, that fills my heart with happiness and fulfillment. My mother says, particularly with neli kolam, it shows how nicely a girl or woman tackle a problem of dots following certain rules, which shows how nice she can handle problems with wright morality in life.


Breaking of coconut in temple or any poojas at home is divine and has quantum properties. Coconut is considered as a divine fruit of God and a bloodless sacrifice to God. The liquid spilled is electrolytic plasma and it contains lauric acid found in mother’s milk. Blood is an electrolyte. Check out this link for lauric acid in coconut. Lauric acid in coconut.
Human perception occurs because of interactions between the subatomic particles of our brains and the quantum energy sea. We literally resonate the Cosmos . So when we break a coconut for a ritual , in lieu of the blood sacrifice , we do it with intention.
The quantum field or pure consciousness is influenced by intention. Intention is like the tuning fork which causes other forks to resonate to the same frequency.
Like I said , before breaking the coconut we must have an intention ( Example: some good wishes like deliver us from evil OR let this home overflow with happiness always ) .

Mango leaves:

Leaves of mango are used for the control of evil spirits. Mango leaves in bunches absorb the negative energy from anyone entering your home. This is why mango leaves are hung by a string at the entrance to Hindu homes during any pooja. Mango leaf is a symbol of fertility and are traditionally associated with the deity of love, Kama Deva.

Water has a memory in which it stores information about the surrounding sounds, chemicals and even human emotions. . Water retains information, even after the most stringent purification and filtration processes. The memory is stored in clusters of H2Omolecules that are formed when several molecules join together.

Water, sanctified by chanting mantras or by bathing an idol is known as theertham. If you make the sound "Om" in front of a drop of liquid, it will transform itself into a Sri Yantra which is very specific visual form which is symmetrical and also holographic, in that every bit of it contains all of it.
A copper Kalasam with water and beetle nuts and a coconut with mango leaves surrounded, is considered as a transceiver. The whole beetle nuts act as an agent to reduce all copper ions into copper nano particles.


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